recent work available upon request
design thinking - Sprint 0
My team’s objective was: Understand and manage our end to end client experience via a centralized productive use environment. I decided we needed to run a sprint 0. We set up stakeholder interviews, aligned on workshop goals, and did some workshop prep. During the 4 day workshop, as a team, we drafted As-Is and To-Be scenarios, concepted big ideas, and conducted some guerrilla research.
Company: IBM
Role: Design Team Lead / Participant
Duration: 2017
bb analytics symposium - Empathy & analytics
One of our missions at Blackboard is to help users interpret, apply, and deliver insights to the right people, at the right time, to inspire and initiate action. During this conference workshop, we wanted to know how our users work with data and what they do with that data once they have it.
Company: Blackboard
Role: Workshop Co-Facilitator
Duration: 2018
adoption of the uxd process
As our teams were transitioning into different squads and we were struggling to align on a process with our partners, we decided to identify our current process, it’s pitfalls, and where we could improve. I facilitated the workshop with 3 different design teams and our flagship product development team.
Company: Blackboard
Role: UXD Manager
Duration: 2018-2019